This initiative aims at raising ethical leaders through mentorship. Its flagship initiative is the Network of Effective African Leaders (NEAL). NEAL is a small network of effective African leaders preparing to take over the leadership of Africa for good.
NEAL focuses on raising Influential Leaders that can make Maximum Positive Impact in the Society including:
Business Leaders
Religious Leaders
Political Leaders
Educational Leaders
Civil Service Leaders
Civil Society Leaders
Media Leaders
Civil Service Leaders
Civil Society Leaders
Key Activities of NEAL
This is an Intensive 6-month program that... prepares aspiring leaders for a life-time leadership training and support at NEAL. Successful IYP members must take the NEAL code of ethics code at an induction ceremony before they can join NEAL.
NEAL members are inspired to initiate enterprises in areas of market demand.... They are trained in ideation, technical and business management skills. Select members are supported with seed funds to launch individual or group businesses.
NEAL members are encouraged and supported to go into public service and effect the change that they want to see
NEAL members are trained in leadership ethics and equipped with the skills and morals necessary to facilitate development and end poverty in Africa.
NEAL members are encouraged and supported to champion social impact projects in their communities and on-campus.
Select NEAL members are supported with scholarships to complete their education. About 750 young people have directly benefitted from the mentorship and professional guidance provided at NEAL